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Concepts In Homeostais

Q. Define Homoestasis, osmoregulation, excretion and thermoregulation.

  • Homeostasis: The protection of internal environment of an organism from the harms of fluctuations taking place in external environment is called Homestasis.

  • Osmoregulation: The mechanism of regulation of solute and the gain and loss of water between organism and environment is known as osmoregulation.
  • Excreation: The mechanism which eliminate metabolic wastes especially nitrogenous wastes is called excreation.
  • Thermoregulation: Maintenance of internal temperature which in a tolerable range is designated as thermoregulation  e.g. In human temperature is maintained between 36.1 to 37.8 centigrade.

Importance of Homeostasis:

  1. The homeostasis keeps the internal fluctuations in a narrow range with various control system compared to winder external environment.
  2. Homeostasis is the central requirement in the maintenance of an organism, which make adaptions in the constant changing conditions and contributes in evolutionary process.

Most susceptible Components: Most susceptible components of internal environment that may be affected by fluctuations in external environments are:

(i) Water (ii) Solutes (iii) Temperature



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